Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Furnace Maintenance Tips For Winter

6 Important Furnace Maintenance Tips for Winter

If you are interested in learning about furnace maintenance tips for winter, stay tuned! There are many things that you need to do for winter for your furnace. One of the first things is preparing for winter and then routing maintenance. We are going to talk about how you can prepare your furnace and how to maintain it for winter.  In addition, you should hire a company such as BenzVac to help with your furnace cleaning in New Jersey or New York.

Check Your Thermostat 

The very first thing you should do is do a thermostat check. You need to switch over from cooling to heating if you have not already. It is at this point that you need to listen to see if the heat is even going to turn on. You are going to listen for the air coming from the vents. You will also need to feel the vent air to ensure it is heating. 

Please note, that if your utility bills seem hire, it might be time for a furnace cleaning to ensure proper efficiency. Furnace cleaning should be done regularly so staying on top of it is important.


Next, you will want to replace the filter on your furnace. These filters should be replaced each year to ensure that you are going to get the best heating and that you are not wasting money. If your filter is not replaced, you could be paying more for your heating bill than you should. Plus, this can cause your furnace to fail earlier than it should. Companies such as BenzVac offer furnace cleaning services in NJ and NYC. You can contact them for a quote here.

Clearing the Area 

You should make sure that the area around your furnace is clear. You do not want anything around the furnace because anything flammable could cause a fire. This is not safe. 

Also, be sure to clear your air ducts or wherever your heat comes out of. Again, anything around the area where the heat comes out will result in a fire risk. It is also going to block the heat that comes out and your room will be cooler than other areas. To evenly heat the house, be sure to clear the clutter around anything involving your heat and furnace. 

Cleaning the Vents 

When you use your furnace, debris and dirt can build up over time. You will want to make sure that this debris and dust is cleaned before you turn your furnace on. When there is debris and dust in the vent it will cause uneven airflow. 

All you need to do this job is a strong vacuum. You will simply remove your cover and use the vacuum to suck the debris out. In return, your airflow will be much better and the air blowing out will be cleaner. 

Outdoor Flues 

An exhaust flue is the small pipe and/or opening that will be located on the exterior of the house. This is the vent that will allow the gasses from the furnace to leave the home. These are generally found on the roof. Make sure that this area is clear and clean. You do not want anything blocking this flue

Things that could block the flue include:

  • Leaves 
  • Branches
  • Grass 


Even if you do all the listed above, it is recommended that you contact a professional to check over your furnace, especially if you are having issues with anything listed above. 

When you contact the professionals, they are going to ensure that your furnace or HVAC system is properly running and clean. If you do not like to mess with the furnace, contacting a professional is the way to go. 

Keep in mind that even if you do everything listed above, you may have missed something that a professional will discover during their inspection. They can help assist you to know what needs to be done or if your system is operating as it should. 

CONCLUSION: Furnace Maintenance Tips For Winter

It is important that you take care of your furnace and that you prepare it for winter. Preparation is the best thing you can do to maintain your furnace. These items listed above are all items that can be done and should be done periodically throughout the season. 

Your ducts and vents may end up with debris and dust, therefore, you should check them to ensure they are always clean. This ensures that you are getting the best bang for your buck too. Also, filters will need to be checked periodically as well. It is important to check these simple items so that you know your furnace is running smoothly. Thank you for tuning in and learning furnace maintenance tips for winter! 


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